Bad timing. Many times our partner’s desire does not line up with what we are feeling in the moment. Couples fight over sex so often when in reality they are attracted to each other and usually want each other. How can we resolve the issue of bad timing during sexual initiation?
For couples, emotional connection and sexual intimacy are dynamically related with each aspect of the marriage strengthening our bond. Difficulties in one area often destabilize the other area and threaten to loosen our attachment. For some people, the desire to be sexual is the result of warm emotional connection. But for others perhaps because of their histories, physiology, and attachment styles (their particular love map,) sex may actually be the necessary precursor for emotional vulnerability.
Often in a marriage, one person seems be designated to be the sexual initiator because of relational tradition, culture, or gender. Or perhaps this spouse’s preferred way of seeking attention is through touch, affection and sex. When a partner takes the lead in the couple’s lovemaking, they bear the brunt of intimate rejection more often. Initiating sex requires such risking and revealing of oneself in primitive need, that having a sexual bid (Gottman 2001) disregarded or rejected can be especially painful.
Every partner initiating sex longs for a receptive, excited reaction from their lover. But sometimes the bid doesn’t come at the right time or isn’t welcome given a person’s state of mind or the couple’s state of the relationship. Rejecting a sexual bid might be complicated by many factors. And fortunately, we can have different needs and still not damage our attachment if we are honest, vulnerable, and direct.
Here are three scenarios when a partner originally rejects or ignores a sexual bid with some suggestions about how they might better turn towards their partner:
After lunch on a Sunday afternoon, Adam wiggles his eyebrows at his pretty, dressed up, wife Sharon suggesting a nap for themselves while their children are napping. Feeling stressed after corralling young children to church and lunch, Sharon sighs and heads for the bedroom.
Sharon might have both accepted the spirit of the advance and honestly leveled with Adam about her true needs. “Sweetheart, I’m afraid I’m frazzled and need my own quiet time to recover from the morning before I can mix it up with you. Can we take a real nap and then I’ll be refreshed before this evening together?”