Sex Therapist Near Me
“Searching for a ‘sex therapist near me’ seemed a little weird,” reported Kasey, “I wasn’t sure what I might come up in the results. All I knew was that my wife and I were not having sex very much at all after the our first kid was born and I was at the end of my rope.”
Kasey told us how much courage it took for him to search for a sex therapist online. He had been raised in the church and his premarital training had had absolutely no mention of their sexual relationship. He had even asked a pastor for some help but the pastor told him just to be patient. In desperation, he had confided in an older mentor who recommended that he seek out a sex therapist nearby. This friend explained that sex therapy was counseling – not weird, no touching, no nudity, just regular psychotherapy – talk therapy – that would probably help.
We told Kasey that ironically, most people don’t search for a sex therapy nearby or even think of sex therapist as a first resource to help. Usually they think of marriage counseling or couple counseling. Yet sexual problems are really, really common. You are not alone. We don’t know this because while people joke about sex; they don’t talk about their problems. And sex therapy is part of couples therapy; or at least it should be. Many couples therapist don’t talk about sex, in fact 70% of them don’t ever bring it up. WE DO! Call us now at 919-845-5400!
What’s The Problem?
At Awakenings, we know that sexual connection is as important to the survival of a marriage as is emotional connection. Our clinicians have extensive training in sex therapy and sexual attachment. For most of us the sexual connection as a couple gets tangled up in a push-pull dynamic.
For instance, one person wants more sex; the other seems to pull back and not want it as much, even if they did before. Each person starts to think negative things about their partner. “All you want is sex” or “You are manipulating me with sex,” or “You baited and switched on me pretending to like sex when we were dating.” Fighting about sex, what we call – the negative sexual cycle – can get really ugly. When people say these negative things to themselves about sex they start to suspect that their partner is selfish, withholding or simply critical.
OMGosh!! Something so important to our bond becomes fraught with tension, upset, anger and fear of failing. Help!! We CAN!
We Can Help
The good news is that if you googled sex therapy near me – you have found a clinic that understands how to untangle these problems. We can help you understand yourself and your partner. Sexual problems are dynamic. Even if there are sexual dysfunctions, we can help you resolve those as well.
Call us today!! 919-845-5400